Ian was heaven sent. I was served with court papers from sleazy Midland Funding and didn’t know where or who to turn to. It was Ian who actually prompted me first that I was about to be sued and I could not believe it. I have never heard or received anything from a collection company nor did I owe this debt they were accusing me of.
Ian spoke with me several times and put my mind at ease and we counter sued. The day of the trial, Midland drop their case but Ian continued with the counterclaim against Midland and we WON!
They were suing me for $950.00 and we won over $3000.00 !!! plus Ian got his fees back from them too. (After being refunded when Midland paid us, I ended up paying nothing out of pocket.)
Hopefully I will never be put in this position again but if I do… I know who to call.
Thanks a million Ian !!